We had the chance to collaborate with The Mark Ultra on the first entry: Lord Demonico! Having produced some of our favorite resin bootlegs of the last couple years, it was a god-damned honor to get to work with Mark Ultra and we're extremely happy with the results.

Who is this mysterious master of the black arts? And what powers does his mystical time helmet possess? This 3.75" supernatural terrorist comes carded with a resealable bubble and features a removable resin helmet for $40. A collaboration bootleg between Scraped Resin and The Mark Ultra, this DesignerCon exclusive will be available at The Resin Syndicate booth (#512).

Viva La Parka! Lucha libre's toughest skeleton cast in two-tone resins for $15 each. This 3" tribute to the Chairman of WCW will make his bootleg debut this Saturday, also at The Resin Syndicate booth (#512).

We'll be throwing any unsold items into the Scraped Resin online store next week, so check back if you're not able to attend.